
Mailbox for office

Diposting oleh BrenciA KerenS di 14.51

After some time ago I was vacationing at my brother who lives in another town, and I can reward you with a Commercial Mailbox for his new house, so now I also assigned the task by my boss to work for a few Commercial Mailboxes in my office several divisions . It is not easy work, because it is not like buying for personal use, but must use the office procedure rather complicated. The price of the requested work should not be too expensive but also must be pretty good and useful for the purposes of the office. And fortunately I was familiar with the site Commercial Mail boxes long before I was given this task. So that makes me so do not bother looking anywhere.

After a proposal to the company, and I immediately approved the transaction on the site to purchase a few mailboxes. The process is easy and fast. No need to wait too long until the mailboxes had arrived at the office. All those satisfied and of course my boss praised my work.

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9 komentar:

Elsa on 1/07/2010 03:34:00 PM mengatakan...

sumpah...nek mbak Bre wes ngomong ngene iki, aku ora mudeng blass maksute opo.


Anonim mengatakan...

siip deh aku coba ya

Ivan Kavalera on 1/07/2010 05:55:00 PM mengatakan...

Sama halnya dg mbak Elsa. aku jug aora mudeng hihihi tapi ah baca2 dulu ah, kali2 aja bisa pinter juga cas cus English.

BrenciA KerenS on 1/07/2010 05:58:00 PM mengatakan...

hahahaha jangan percaya yaa itu saya yang ngomong...

saya aja mesti ke mbah gugel dulu buat dibikinin versi londonya... hahahaha

cuma repiyuuu

marsudiyanto on 1/07/2010 06:35:00 PM mengatakan...

Selamat, virusnya dah tewas

Ajeng on 1/07/2010 07:18:00 PM mengatakan...

Walah mbak.. musti buka kamus dulu nih biar ngeh..

Dream Competition on 1/08/2010 08:37:00 PM mengatakan...

Wah,,,lama nggak ke sini,bajunya baru,logatnya juga baru wow...sis hehehe.Kok di sana nggak kelihatan updatenya ya...

Yolizz on 1/09/2010 05:26:00 PM mengatakan...

jiaahh.. dollar maneh tho iki?? cring.. cring... daahh... :et:

ali on 1/11/2010 11:19:00 PM mengatakan...

Thanks reviewnya... :-)

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