
Restaurant City Cheat

Diposting oleh BrenciA KerenS di 15.43

Love to play Restaurant City in facebook? I also liked it, one of my favorite games on facebook. After I get bored playing mafia wars and cafe world , I returned to play restaurant city after some time I left. So now I want to share tricks and cheats in the restaurant city .

But first, you must have some tools to support it. Do not worry, I will share to you to get it. You can download the tools are at Free download.
Tools are Cheat Engine 5.5 , Restaurant City Tool, dan Piaips RC Hack 2.12

StarHow to quickly increase the level of  restaurant cityStar

(thanks to My Dearest guy “andi pangeran” who has taught this to me)

  1. Go to your  restaurant city
  2. Play it, until you get 2 coins first, then open a new tab in your browser (we recommend using firefox) cheat engine 1
  3. Check Hex, also scan read only memory and its value type choose the 8 bytes . Fill the box with this code Hex "FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2". Then press “first scan”cheat engine 2
  • After the scan is complete, will appear an address on the left side of Cheat Engine. Right-click on the address and select "disassamble this memory region” 
    address disassemble
  • Then will come a new box, Right click on the first code and select "change register to" and a new box will appear and answer "yes"
    memview memview2
  • Then a new box will appear again, check on EAX and content with the number 9999. Ok. modreg
  • See your game and you can see the gourmet points fast and followed up with your level rise. While waiting, you can add to your employees, If your levels are allowed to recruit new employees, or you can add a chair, table, toilets and stove etc.  Or you can help the waitresses and cleaners to clean the dishes and toilet
  • After reaching the maximum level (level 65) save your game and turn off the Cheat enginenya. After refresh your game you will get your level up and your money a lot. level 65

    StarHow to make chef cook 0 minStar

    1. Play your  restaurant city, make sure all your chefs ready to cook
    2. Open Piaip’s RC hack v2.12 , and drag the thumbnail on the left into your browser and click "patch" piaips
    3. After that all the chefs will cook you directly for 0 minutes, and customers do not need to wait for the food is cooked. so you can more quickly get the coins and save energy employees.

    StarRubbish CheatStar

    1. Play your  restaurant city, make sure all your employees in a state of rest.
    2. Open RC tool and select the rubbish,  Copy the code is listed there. RC tool
    3. Open Cheat Engine 5.5, then in the process list, select the browser where you played your city Restaurant.
    4. Check Hex, also scan read only memory and its value type choose the 4 bytes .  Fill in the same hex code with the code RC rubbish of tools, which you have the previous copy. Then press “first scan”
    5. New address will appear on the left. And double-click on the box will appear below the address, double click again will show the address and copyrubbish scan
    6. Paste the address into the empty box next to the rubbish in the RC code tools and press “get code”.  Then copy the codes that appear.

      rc get code

    7. Paste just below the address. will appear "GIVE ME MORE RUBBISH" and check the box. morerub
    8. See your game, will appear much rubbish there. click on each trash for 30 times and then move one of your restaurant stuff (chairs, tables, or whatever) and save it. Do it on until you have enough coins you get. DO NOT FORGET TO REMOVE ANY OF THE STUFF AFTER CLICKING 30 TIMES TRASH. If Not will Disconect. rubbish

    Good Luck!!

  • 17 komentar:

    Anonim mengatakan...

    ternyata suka pake CHeat juga ya :)

    Elsa on 2/08/2010 04:33:00 PM mengatakan...

    sampeyan iki ngomong opo se Mbak???


    apurie on 2/08/2010 04:46:00 PM mengatakan...

    kenapa jadi boso londo?
    tanda-tanda ki..

    BrenciA KerenS on 2/08/2010 04:53:00 PM mengatakan...

    @mbak lidya : hehehehe dikiit mbak...
    @mbak elsa : ngomong boso planet mbak..
    @aprie : lha bolo RCku akeh seng londo je,, nek tak kei boso dagadu malah do misuh2 neng kene...

    Unknown on 2/08/2010 05:59:00 PM mengatakan...

    wah kalo perkara game-gamean
    mbak Brenda emang juaranya
    aku nyerah...maklum oon..

    BrenciA KerenS on 2/08/2010 06:28:00 PM mengatakan...

    @itik : jadii maluu.... :ba:

    Yolizz on 2/09/2010 12:42:00 PM mengatakan...

    kalo soal game mbak jagonya deehh,, hehehe... aku belom pernah sih maenan restaurant city :D

    Anonim mengatakan...

    aku lebih suka kerestaurant sungguhan apalagi ditraktir.... hayoooo!

    The Perjaka Tampan on 2/11/2010 05:39:00 PM mengatakan...

    hahaha.... what a great tutorial dear...
    lengkap banget :)

    tapi inget loh, masih ada tugas yang menanti :)

    wirarta wliod on 3/16/2010 09:09:00 AM mengatakan...


    Anonim mengatakan...

    lah working sih iy tapi gg isa di save conecrion lose mlu

    Anonim mengatakan...

    kok g bisa download lgi kk

    azhar mengatakan...

    numpang tanya ..
    ko ga bisa" yaaa..
    trs pas udah di scaann ga muncul" adress nyaa
    ada yg tauu ??

    Anonim mengatakan...

    masih bisa dipakai nda cheat ini?

    Anonim mengatakan...

    ga muncul addres nya setelah di scan,,dah ga bs lg nih

    acha winola clearissa on 12/19/2010 09:49:00 AM mengatakan...

    makasih ya kak....cheat restaurant citynya dan game2nya...seruuu wkwkwk...

    Anonim mengatakan...

    Thank's yaa mbak bisa neh cheatnya...
    Request donk buat game facebook wild ones ... :)

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