
Free download Farm Frenzy Pizza Party Full Version

Diposting oleh BrenciA KerenS di 17.09

farm-frenzy-pizza-party_featureFarm Frenzy - Pizza Party is a time management game where you care for livestock. Pizza Party is a sequel of a popular Farm Frenzy series.

Pizza lovers unite! It's time to return to the farm for creating your favorite food! You will start out by growing grass, feeding farm animals and collecting crop, and then you can turn your goods into the ingredients you need for making pizzas that will be enjoyed at pizza-parties around the world! You can order city items like yeast to combine with farm products for complex items like dough. While you are doing all this, your farm is occasionally attacked by bears, which you have to trap in cages. You will enjoy in Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party some of the funniest animations ever created for a casual game!

Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party features:

  • 90 levels of the Pizza Party game
  • 10 farm animals
  • 15 buildings in Farm Frenzy
  • 28 goods to produce for Pizza Party
  • Upgradeable truck and plane

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12 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

game mania :) nyerah deh skr tentang game

marsudiyanto on 4/25/2010 07:46:00 PM mengatakan...

Kalau sering posting download gini, bulan depan PageRanknya jadi 6...

Ajie on 4/25/2010 08:25:00 PM mengatakan...

maniak games ya

Reni on 4/26/2010 04:52:00 PM mengatakan...

Hehehe.., setuju dg komen dari Pak Marsudiyanto mbak... :h:

Zippy on 4/28/2010 12:08:00 AM mengatakan...

Beuh...saya baru tau mbak kalo ada Farm Frenzy Pizza, taunya yang Farm Frenzy doank, xixixi.. :D

ali afif on 4/28/2010 10:42:00 PM mengatakan...

wah makasih neh mbak bren... sip markusip aja deh.. hehehe

Ivan Kavalera on 4/29/2010 02:14:00 PM mengatakan...

Belum bisa sedot soalna lagi lemot nih hiikzzz..:l:

Unknown on 4/30/2010 07:36:00 PM mengatakan...

Mbak..kata ibuku aku ngga boleh banyak main game
aku harus lebih banyak baca..
aku anak yang alim *plaaaakk*

ali on 5/02/2010 12:08:00 AM mengatakan...

wakakakakak... itiiiikkkk...

wiwing on 6/11/2010 01:31:00 PM mengatakan...

mbak izin ikutan mengunduh game ini ya,kebetulan lagi nyari full versionnya yg gratis hehehehe
makasih banyak ;)

Anonim mengatakan...

tolong yang farm frenzy gone fishing donk
waduhhhh,,sedot dlu yang ad nie
ditgg updateny/

Anonim mengatakan...

nunggu farm frenzy - gome fishing mam

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